Friday, June 5, 2009

A Liberian Visit

We have the Bishop in our AC this week. I am excited to see some new pictures of the construction of Ganta Hospital. Friends we do have a great deal of work to do, we need to be busy about the process of raising funds, holding accountability, and striving for the future.

- Eric

Monday, March 30, 2009


Hello all,

I am reflecting on the trip to Liberia this spring and one thing I noticed in Ganta is the need for shoes for the children and most of those who are still living in native villages. They do have shoes there to sell but I found the prices higher then expected. I have just finished watching a video about a shoe project called Toms. This may be something to consider doing for Liberia. This company uses the model of selling one pair of shoes here in America and then giving away a pair of shoes. Check these websites and reply to let me know your thoughts.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I just want to write a very quick note of thanks again to everyone who joined us in Liberia for the first summit on the health care of the Ganta Hospital. It was a true blessing to see so many people work so hard for the betterment not only of a hospital but of a nation. I look forward to hearing your reflections and then sharing together as a community. May we continue to do the Lord's work together.
Rev. Eric Swanson - First UMC Peoria IL USA